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🧧🧧The auspicious time for saving & investing is here!
Check out what is LiChun and how you can fully capitalise on it Learn More

Should You Sell Your Investments Now

In this video, Tai Zhi, our CIO, analyses the Sell in May effect and shares how investors should navigate their investments from June to December 2021.

Note 1: This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Investments always involve risks and the possibility of losses. Any references to past performance, projections or forecasts are not necessarily indicative of and are no guarantee of the future or likely performance of your investments.

Note 2: The comparable unit trust shown in the video includes unit trusts with a similar risk allocation available in Singapore via Fundsupermart’s Fund Selector tool with the category set as “balanced”, geographical sectors set as “global” and $ currency set as “USD” and “SGD”. To allow apple-to-apple comparison with similar risk allocation as far as practical, unit trusts with less than 50% stocks, commodities & alternatives allocation are omitted. Performance are shown on a net of fees basis with all fees set out in the respective unit trust factsheet or product summary sheet factored in. Sales charge are amortised straight-line over 5 years to assume a reasonable holding period.

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